The loud, carefree sounds of children playing outside fill the streets and alleys. They run, stomp their feet, and release their pent-up tiredness from months of studying into the earth. Chasing a ball, singing, and laughing without restraint, they bring life to the neighborhood. Life, in its purest and most joyous form, embraces everyone and…
Witch’s Wicked Words
Flying on the Wings of Imagination
I can see it, clear as day, as if I’m looking in a mirror. Years from now, when I’m old and gray, I’ll be sitting on a bench on the porch of my tiny home far, far away from the hubbub of city life. Somewhere no one can find me. A porch facing the mountains,…
Jonathan Lowell McCarthy
Author’s Note: If you’ve read this before today, September 30th, 2024, you know the story could use a bit of fine-tuning. I’m always revisiting my work, tweaking things to make it better. Here’s another attempt at polishing something I love and enjoyed writing. ~ * ~ * ~ “This better be good,” I thought as…