This time for the Unique Books, I want to talk about This is Happiness by Niall Williams. A book I knew nothing about by an author I’ve never heard of before. Neither the book nor its author is “new” per se, This is Happiness was originally published in 2019 and Niall Williams has been writing…
Author: Wicked Witch of the Words
Unique Books: An Unreliable Man
Have you ever read a book without knowing anything about it? Or have you ever read a story that isn’t necessarily your cup of tea, nor is the subject a thing that you spare a thought over normally, with a character who is neither despicable nor loveable, but you find yourself drawn into it nonetheless…
The Day the Phone Stole Summer
The loud, carefree sounds of children playing outside fill the streets and alleys. They run, stomp their feet, and release their pent-up tiredness from months of studying into the earth. Chasing a ball, singing, and laughing without restraint, they bring life to the neighborhood. Life, in its purest and most joyous form, embraces everyone and…
Flying on the Wings of Imagination
I can see it, clear as day, as if I’m looking in a mirror. Years from now, when I’m old and gray, I’ll be sitting on a bench on the porch of my tiny home far, far away from the hubbub of city life. Somewhere no one can find me. A porch facing the mountains,…
Jonathan Lowell McCarthy
Author’s Note: If you’ve read this before today, September 30th, 2024, you know the story could use a bit of fine-tuning. I’m always revisiting my work, tweaking things to make it better. Here’s another attempt at polishing something I love and enjoyed writing. ~ * ~ * ~ “This better be good,” I thought as…